Commissioner James Danly was confirmed as a Commissioner by the United States Senate on March 12, 2020. Danly served as Chairman of the Federal Regulatory Commission from November 5, 2020 to January 21, 2021.
It seems all eyes are on FERC these days with its recent NOPR on interconnecting new generation to deal with big queues, information coming out of the Joint Federal-State Task Force on Electric Transmission, and a plethora of issues it is taking on focused on reliability. None of what FERC is dealing with will be easy to fix.

Followers of FERC are always interested in what its Commissioners have to say, and their words feel weightier now with so much going on in the energy and utilities industries. FERC is grappling with many significant subjects.
PUF's Paul Kjellander sat down with FERC Commissioner James Danly, a former Army officer who served in Iraq, receiving a Purple Heart and Bronze Star, and who knows how to take on tough matters. Listen in as they take a deep dive on issues FERC is dealing with.
PUF's Paul Kjellander: Talk about that transition since coming onto FERC when you were in the majority.
Commissioner James Danly: I began at the Commission as the general counsel. That was back in 2017. I'm one of only a couple Commissioners who had worked on Commission staff before becoming a Commissioner. So, I had the initial transition from staff to becoming a member of the Commission, then again, when I went from being Commissioner to Chairman.
PUF: What are the near-term issues driving you as a Commissioner?