Remarkable Under Forties
Lori Burkhart is Editor-in-Chief of Public Utilities Fortnightly.
Time fascinates me because it is perhaps the only part of life all of us never will have enough of. In this issue, PUF celebrates the Fortnightly Under Forties, those who knew at an early age that because time is crucial, they must make the most of it.

That includes using their intellect to build every day a resonant future for themselves and others that will matter. These futures are of all kinds but have much in common in building a better energy and utilities industry, as you will see in these pages.
Recognizing the hard work here of the Fortnightly Under Forties matters too. Because one aspect of greatness, that of humility, often means these thinkers, these shining stars, don't look for acknowledgment.
They all were nominated to be in these pages by colleagues and that in itself is an honor. Those who work with the nominees see their good work and value it.
We expect much more from these Fortnightly Under Forties and look forward to seeing where they go in their careers. This can be looked at as a career milestone, and one of many tributes PUF is sure they will gain in their promising futures. We too will be watching.
This July issue hold much more for you. A virtual day with the New Mexico Public Regulation Commissioners is a highlight, as PUF loves regulation and its Commissioners even more.