Hitachi Energy
Anthony Allard is executive vice president of Hitachi Energy.
At the Distributech mega-conference in Dallas, senior experts explain their technology that can have the greatest impact on distribution grid efficiency and resilience. What follows are conversations with Hitachi Energy executive vice president Anthony Allard, Schneider Electric senior vice president Alexis Grenon, SEL CEO Dave Whitehead, Smarter Grid Solutions Executive Director Alan Gooding, mPrest CEO Andy Bennett, and Deloitte vice chair Jim Thomson.

PUF's Steve Mitnick: Why did you come to this conference? What are you hoping to hear and say to people?
Anthony Allard: It's a couple of things in terms of what we want to hear. It's important to see the different solutions that are out there in the market.
But in terms of the other piece, which is important, Distributech is an opportunity to reconnect with customers. It's always a good way to have a number of meetings. We haven't done as much over the last two years, so for us, it is a way to reconnect.
We had the IEEE T&D about a month ago, so it was also a good way to meet customers and partners. Distributech was supposed to be in January, and got rescheduled, for good reasons.
We are here to announce a new solution called Lumada Inspection Insights. What's unique about this solution is we cocreated it together with Hitachi Energy and Hitachi.