American Gas Association
Karen Harbert is CEO of the American Gas Association.
Natural gas is an important part of our diverse energy supply. That is significant, as our nation holds an abundant supply of it, serving some one hundred eighty-seven million Americans in their homes.

That's a lot of customers, yet somehow, natural gas is under attack in certain circles, despite statistics indicating why it shouldn't be. That is evidenced in the American Gas Association's recently released AGA Playbook, pointing out the strengths of this significant commodity and how the natural gas industry is increasing efforts to further reduce carbon emissions.
PUF sat down with AGA CEO Karen Harbert to discuss the latest happenings on the subject of natural gas, and where the industry is heading. Don't miss this important conversation.
PUF's Steve Mitnick: What's it like to be CEO of the American Gas Association and what's your typical day like?
Karen Harbert: There is no typical day. But it is an honor and privilege to represent the two hundred utilities that we represent at AGA. They are some of the most hard-working, honest, humble folks I have ever met.
They take their responsibility to serve their customers and communities seriously. That was proven during COVID, which we're not technically out of yet. But during the dark days of the pandemic, they were deemed essential.