NRECA PowerXchange
Steve Foshee is CEO of the Tombigbee Electric Power Association. Mike Casper is CEO of the Jo-Carroll Energy. John Lee is CEO of the Mecklenburg Electric Cooperative.
Almost eight thousand attendees were thrilled to be in Nashville in early March for NRECA's 2022 Annual Meeting, now called PowerXchange. It marked the first in-person Annual Meeting since March 2019 in New Orleans and under the new name.

PUF's Lori Burkhart: Why is broadband service important to cooperatives?
Steve Foshee: It's to provide a renaissanced rural America. If we're going to change healthcare and education, provide job creation, and overall quality of life in rural America, it's to turn around this decline, which is the field of opportunity for co-ops in general.
We've got some rich co-ops, but most of us aren't, so how do you turn that around? Broadband is a big piece of that puzzle.