PUF's Future of Utility Regulation Luncheon


NARUC's Winter Policy Summit

Fortnightly Magazine - March 2022

Public Utilities Fortnightly held its third annual Future of Utility Regulation Luncheon, during NARUC’s Winter Policy Summit on Valentine’s Day.

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Love of regulation was in the air, and the experts showed their affection of it with an energetic discussion. They were former NARUC President Paul Kjellander; former NARUC President Jim Kerr, who is now Southern Company’s General Counsel; former NARUC Board Member Robert Kenney, who is now PG&E’s SVP-Regulatory/External Affairs; former NASUCA President Elin Katz, who is now FERC’s Director-Public Participation.All moderated by PUF’s Executive Editor Steve Mitnick.

Plus, I Love Regulation cupcakes.

See the Facebook gallery here.

Lead image: Top row: FERC’s Director-Public Participation Elin Katz and Southern Company General Counsel Jim Kerr. Bottom row: PG&E’s SVP-Regulatory/External Affairs Robert Kenney and former NARUC President Paul Kjellander.