Canada: State of the Energy Industry


Energy Council of Canada

Fortnightly Magazine - March 2022
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The Energy Council of Canada held its first annual Canada Energy Update in late January. That is a big deal, also because it was held in cooperation with the U.S. Energy Association, which convened its State of the Energy Industry Forum the day prior. Canada's Update followed the same model. 

The Energy Council of Canada is one of the oldest associations for our neighbors to the north and is the national voice of its forty-one members. That found top Canadian energy leaders speaking their minds at the Canada Energy Update.

The two prominent organizations have strong ties and working relationships, as the U.S.-Canadian borders share highly integrated electricity transmission grids and natural gas infrastructure. Enjoy these excerpts from our Canadian friends.

CEO, Canadian Electricity Association Francis Bradley: Canada's the second largest producer of hydro in the world, second only to China, and it powers much of Quebec, British Columbia, and Manitoba. Currently sixty percent of all Canadian electricity is generated by hydro.

Much of our economically available hydro power has been developed and as a result, CEA member companies are investing in other renewables, including wind and solar, looking to convert existing coal-fired power plants and explore storage opportunities.

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