Moderator Timothy Simon is a former Commissioner at the California Public Utilities Commission. Abigail Anthony is a Commissioner at the Rhode Island Public Utilities Commission. Odogwu Obi Linton is a Commissioner at the Maryland Public Service Commission. Sean Jamieson is General Counsel at Spire Resources LLC.
The American Association of Blacks in Energy held its Fall Policy Summit 2021: Promoting and Advancing Communities of Color Through Inclusive Energy Policy, October 19-20, 2021. The PUF team was there at this virtual event with its outstanding line-up of speakers and panelists.
There is historic investment being made in modernizing America's electrical grid. The goal of achieving a carbon-free power sector by utility companies by varied dates is coming fast. Renewed interest in energy is resulting in new legislation at the federal and state levels. How will the industry respond and what are the implications? This panel took on that changing regulatory landscape. Enjoy these memorable moments.
Moderator and former Commissioner, California Public Utilities Commission, Timothy Simon: I want to turn to Commissioner Anthony on the issue of electrification, which in many regions has become controversial, particularly for those involved in the decarbonization of the natural gas industry. How do you see electrification and the larger energy policy scale and its impact on communities and particularly those communities that have a historic disenfranchising?