Clean Energy Summit: Who's the Boss?



Fortnightly Magazine - November 2021
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Washington D.C. has aggressive clean energy goals, and urgency around decarbonization has pushed policymakers into action. Many states, including the District, have joined regional markets that do not answer to state goals. There also are issues of transmission, federal policy, and permitting that often are outside control of one state or jurisdiction. This panel at the D.C. PSC's Clean Energy Summit explored jurisdictional issues. Enjoy these memorable moments.

Moderator, NARUC and Idaho PUC President, Paul Kjellander: We all know who the boss is. It's technology. We're going to be talking about the clean energy goals that many of the states and regions have, and how those states and the District of Columbia can successfully navigate through those jurisdictional realities in this dynamic and rapidly changing landscape we operate in.

As we look to the not-so-distant future, we have the potential for conflicting goals, policy directives that will change the scope of the way we do things, moving targets, and jurisdictional responsibilities that are sure to be conflicting as we see the potential for those jurisdictional roles to be blurred and, in some instances, depending on who you are, seemingly trampled on.

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