Michelle Fay is a partner in Guidehouse's global Energy, Sustainability, and Infrastructure segment, supporting clients as they implement transformational programs. She brings more than twenty years of experience in planning and delivering complex and innovative programs for utilities. Her expertise includes program and project management, organizational change management, account management, process and performance improvement, grid modernization, energy efficiency, and analytics. She has led several grid modernization programs, managing and overseeing strategic program management offices, with a focus on realization of benefits and reduced risk.
Think different" was Apple's slogan about twenty years ago. These two catchy words signified that what was in the elegant white boxes containing Steve Jobs' products resulted from imagining outside-the-box. It was different thinking that led the PUF team to create a better way to place the important themes of last November's book, "Lewis Latimer, the First Hidden Figure," and this month's book, "Women Leading Utilities, the Pioneers and Path to Today and Tomorrow," in front of our entire industry.
Rather than sell a copy one at a time, we're able to provide it in multiple digital formats for free, only because of the gracious support of the books' sponsors. Including in the case of "Women Leading Utilities," the consultancy Guidehouse.
Michelle Fay, a Guidehouse partner, writes this in the book's introductory pages: "As more women begin their careers or ascend to leadership roles, we must continue to work harder to close the gender gap, to give women a seat — and a voice — at the table, and to transform the old constructs of who belongs in this space. This book is a powerful reminder of why, and we're glad to be a small part of sharing these women's stories with the world." She elaborates in the following conversation with us.