Edison Electric Institute
Moderator Vince Sorgi is the CEO of PPL Corp. Marisa Buchanan is Global Head of Sustainability at JPMorgan Chase. Casey Herman is Partner at US Power & Utilities Leader, PWC. Jim Hempstead is Managing Director at Moody’s Investor Services.
EEI met early June with its Road to Net Zero and took an in-depth look at the major technology and policy milestones on the pathway to decarbonization.
U.S. electric companies have been at the forefront of the nation's growing focus on Environment, Social, and Governance issues. As ESG in the electricity sector evolves beyond its early focus on carbon emissions, investors increasingly are interested in social topics including diversity, equity, and inclusion, as well as cyber governance. Against the backdrop of EEI's ESG sustainability template, this panel explored the impacts of ESG's rise from the perspective of investors, regulators, and issuer companies. Enjoy these highlights.
Moderator and CEO, PPL Corp., Vince Sorgi: When I was the CFO at PPL, I was on the team that developed the pilot EEI ESG disclosure template. That's the first of its kind to provide investors with a consistent and comparable way to view ESG matters across our industry. We continue to engage directly with investors to solicit feedback on what types of ESG disclosures they find useful. More than forty member companies are participating.