Edison Electric Institute
Moderator Tom Kuhn is President of the Edison Electric Institute. Professor Rebecca Katz is the Director for the Center for Global Health Science and Security at Georgetown University Medical Center. Eric Silagy is the CEO of Florida Power & Light.
EEI met early June with its Road to Net Zero and took an in-depth look at the major technology and policy milestones on the pathway to decarbonization.
This past year will be remembered for the coronavirus pandemic, as well as a historic series of punishing weather events. As the world gradually shifts out of the coronavirus crisis, what are the critical lessons learned for the next time an event like this comes? Listen in to these memorable moments.
President, Edison Electric Institute, Tom Kuhn: We will be discussing how important it is to make sure we approach all kinds of natural disasters that might come along. The title of the session is preparing for the next pandemic, but it may not be a pandemic. It may be one of the other natural disasters that happened during this past year; hurricanes, tornadoes, derechos, wildfires, and maybe a cyberattack.
Dr. Katz you addressed the EEI board of directors in early March 2020, just days before the pandemic was declared and everything shut down. I recall your presentation vividly. It was becoming clear that COVID-19 was going to be a serious global event and you counseled us then to think about what was essential and to limit our activity to only what was necessary.
We're now a year later. What was your takeaway about how we performed nationally and globally? What have we done well, and most important, what can we do better?