Stephanie Crawford is Senior Regulatory Manager at National Rural Electric Cooperative Association.
The pandemic didn't stop these luminaries from the energy and utilities space from innovating in all types of technologies. Ninety individuals sprang into action, creating new tools or strategies to better serve their colleagues and communities. This year, PUF is celebrating these ninety Under Forties.
PUF's Steve Mitnick: You're the Senior Regulatory Manager for NRECA. What do you do on a typical day?
Stephanie Crawford: I advocate on a number of issues for NRECA, and my day is typically spent on some or all of those issues. Recently, I've been asked to advocate on distributed energy resources. Right now, I'm spending some time doing research and outreach to members to try to make sure I'm fully covering those issues as they impact NRECA members.
It's a lot of direct member engagement. We have member groups that regularly meet, but as issues come up, we'll of course reach out to folks if it's in a specific state or area to get their input. There's a lot of coordination with federal agencies and we also coordinate with the other trade associations.
Our members are increasingly moving into distributed energy resources, like rooftop solar, any behind the meter resources or anything plugged into the distribution grid.
PUF: NRECA has almost nine hundred members and is in almost every state.