Edison Electric Institute
Devin James is Director, Investor Relations, Finance & ESG, at Edison Electric Institute.
The pandemic didn't stop these luminaries from the energy and utilities space from innovating in all types of technologies. Ninety individuals sprang into action, creating new tools or strategies to better serve their colleagues and communities. This year, PUF is celebrating these ninety Under Forties.

PUF's Steve Mitnick: You're the director of investor relations. Talk about what your job is and what you do on a typical day.
Devin James: I have the privilege of working with the leaders of our member companies, specifically the chief financial officers, investor relations, and treasury teams. I'm also responsible for organizing the annual EEI Financial Conference, which is the premier industry gathering of electric company c-suite officers, investors, and members of the financial community.
I work closely with our Wall Street Advisory Group, which is comprised of leaders in the financial community, which includes bankers, analysts on the sell-side and buy-side, credit rating agencies, and Big Four accounting leaders for the sector. It's my responsibility to cultivate relationships and engage with these audiences to educate stakeholders and gather their perspective on issues impacting the sector.