Fortnightly Magazine - March 2021

NARUC, States, and New Administration

NARUC's Winter Policy Summit

NARUC's committee representatives discussed the most important issues facing State Commissions. What would they say to the new administration about priorities? How can the feds best work with states to achieve goals? What's uppermost on the minds of State Commissioners who also lead NARUC's standing committees? The panel was facilitated by NARUC's 2nd Vice President, Michael Caron.

Green Hydrogen, Here or Hype?

NARUC's Winter Policy Summit

Is green hydrogen going to be hype or the decarbonization answer? Panelists were led by NARUC President Paul Kjellander to close out the conference. Enjoy these excerpts.

NRRI Author Spotlight

NARUC's Winter Policy Summit

PUF's Executive Editor Steve Mitnick discussed his book, Lewis Latimer, The First Hidden Figure, with NRRI Director Carl Pechman and an esteemed panel. The book is part of a larger activity to build diversity in the electric industry, with profits helping establish the PUF Latimer Scholarship Fund administered by the American Association of Blacks in Energy.

Whither the FERC?

National Regulatory Research Institute

A conversation about this new report with its author, the Director of the NARUC’s National Regulatory Research Institute.

Role of Storage in Path to Net Zero


Accenture's report “The Role of Storage in the Path to Net Zero”: “We make a case for storage and you can see the impact it can have on whole system costs, if the costs fall and solar costs fall with it, as per current trajectory. It looks good, but the costs are still high.”

Uncertainty in Wake of Executive Order 13920 and Biden Administration

The Waiting Game

As President Biden begins his first few weeks in office, many within the power sector wonder how his administration will address key concerns related to securing the nation's bulk-power system.

The previous administration issued several executive orders relating to cybersecurity, including Executive Order 13920, a directive that was issued on May 1, 2020 to address security threats to the bulk-power system in the United States.

State Legislative Energy Priorities

What to Expect in 2021

State lawmakers are exploring ways to integrate energy storage into their grid modernization efforts, with legislatures considering nearly two hundred energy storage bills in 2020.

HVDC, Not Just For Long Distance Anymore

Consider Converting to HVDC, Part 2

There are hundreds of miles of DC cables crisscrossing the North Sea, some moving power from offshore platforms, some connecting the power systems of Scandinavia, the UK, and the EU.