Rob MacLean is the CEO of SouthWest Water and Chair of the National Association of Water Companies.
Wash your hands! We were told to do that when the pandemic started, which makes the uninterrupted flow of clean water to homes that much more important. Enter SouthWest Water CEO Rob MacLean, newly anointed Chair of the National Association of Water Companies at the end of 2020.
MacLean has a lot to say about this important business of bringing us water, as a purveyor of the only utility service we ingest. It brings its own set of unique issues, and all of us are grateful the water companies pay attention to these details, like chemicals.
There are a lot of water companies, some big, many small, overall, more than there are electric and gas utilities, but only some are regulated by Commissions. There are a lot of water pipelines too, and many are old and in need of replacement, with issues such as infrastructure and ratemaking bringing NAWC together with NARUC and NASUCA. MacLean sets forth the big concerns facing water and wastewater utilities in 2021.
PUF's Steve Mitnick: What's it like to be the CEO of SouthWest Water? What do you do there and what's a typical day like?
Rob MacLean: I don't know if there's a typical day, but I'm very honored to serve as the CEO of SouthWest. I joined the company in 2018 and SouthWest, like many utilities, has a long and proud history. It formed in 1891 in California.