British Columbia UC
Kristine Bienert is Executive Director of Compliance, MRS and Gas Supply at the British Columbia Utilities Commission.
Nicola Simon is Executive Director of Facilities and Planning at the British Columbia Utilities Commission.
Yolanda Domingo, Executive Director of Rates at the British Columbia Utilities Commission.
Blessed with environmentally friendly hydropower that also crosses Canada's southern border, the British Columbia Utilities Commission regulates some auto insurance, a new Fuel Price Transparency Act requiring the gasoline and diesel industries to report price information, and has been investigating and reporting on Indigenous utilities regulation, all on top of usual and required regulatory work. The Commission is mostly still working from home, and under Chair and CEO Dave Morton, now under a matrix work environment.

PUF's Lori Burkhart: What is your background and how did you end up in this position at the Commission?
Kristine Bienert: I'm an accountant. My background was in auditing in a public accounting firm. However, I was not satisfied in the public accounting world. I wanted something more in line with my personal values, and that was related to public service. I spent many years auditing utility companies and insurance companies.
When my initial position at the BCUC became available, I was immediately drawn to it. I met with the BCUC Staff, and it seemed like a great place to work, so I was sold.
It was an instant perfect fit and remained that way. It brought together my past history and experience in auditing energy utilities and insurance, and it lined up with my values to serve the public.