NARUC Annual Meeting, Connecting the Dots


Looking Ahead to Kentucky

Fortnightly Magazine - December 2020
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EEI Annual Meeting 2024 - June 18-20

The National Association of Utility State Regulators held its 2020 Annual Meeting in November as it always does and as usual it was well attended. That might be all that was normal about the 2020 NARUC Annual Meeting and Education Conference, not held in Seattle as expected, but cancelled there due to pandemic.

Outgoing NARUC President Brandon Presley and Staff presided over a most unusual year in NARUC history, with a swift pivot to carry on, on-line, with the important business of regulating in the public interest. Indeed, Presley's critical Digital Divide theme announced a year ago in person in San Antonio was prescient as no one imagined the changes wrought by COVID-19 back then. 

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