Sheila Hollis is Acting Executive Director of the United States Energy Association, and is chair of the law firm Duane Morris, LLP Washington, D.C. office.
The USEA was rocked in August by the passing of executive director Barry Worthington. Upon hearing the sad news, PUF published a statement from USEA Chairman Sheila Hollis in the September issue, trying to articulate the Association's grief.

Now, Sheila Hollis is appointed acting executive director at USEA, as the Association finds its footing. That puts USEA in good hands, as Hollis is chair of the law firm, Duane Morris, LLP Washington, D.C. office, well known in energy circles, and simply brilliant, as you will find out when you Google her.
Here, Hollis expands on the transition at USEA, what it means looking back and ahead for the great work this Association is known for. USEA Staff is busy all around the world, even during a pandemic, so you will want to listen in on what is going on.
PUF's Steve Mitnick: What is the mission of USEA?
Sheila Hollis: There are two major missions. The first is the convening of ideas and people. You could analogize it to the Aspen Institute of Energy.