Business Manager, IBEW Local 84
Drew Stover is the Business Manager for IBEW Local 84 (Atlanta).
If you were wondering why the lineman braves the elements, and sometimes drives the truck across states to join the fight, read on. It'll be easy to see then that they are truly the passion of power.
PUF: What is your typical day like?
Drew Stover: Last July, I was elected business manager and financial secretary for IBEW Local 84. Our job at the local office consists of keeping track of all members and contracts. If there are any issues that arise with contract disagreements or anything, we help members and intervene to get disputes resolved.
We organize and recruit new members to the IBEW. Within our outside construction branch, we have testing procedures at the local where we can bring folks in, give them a test, and get them slotted with the appropriate classification.
We keep the members on the books, which is the list of folks that are out of work and are looking for work. When a contractor calls and says, we need a couple of linemen, then we'll go to our books and call a couple of our members to go report for them.
PUF: What does Local 84 cover?
Drew Stover: We've got members at Georgia Power, Sawnee EMC, Amicalola EMC, and Southern Nuclear Company. We've also got various outside contractors that work under one statewide agreement.
PUF: When you were out in the field earlier in your career, what did you do?