One-on-One with U.S. Energy Assistant Secretary Rita Baranwal


Conversation with a Passionate Nuclear Power Leader

Fortnightly Magazine - May 2020
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Did you know that more than fifty nuclear power reactors are currently under construction? That's a lot, to combat climate change and quench the thirst for energy of communities worldwide, though this number could grow to more than four hundred in coming years.

Dr. Rita Baranwal leads the U.S. government's research and development on existing and emerging nuclear power technologies and says that our country has three competitive advantages when nuclear power is being considered by other nations. First, the U.S. has the best technology from small and flexible reactors all the way up to large baseload plants. On the small and flexible end, more than fifty American companies are developing new designs. On the large baseload end, Southern Company is building two of the most advanced light-water reactors in the world. 

Second, nations that work with the U.S. get the unparalleled regulatory regime and scrutiny for safety of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. And third, the U.S. is a trustworthy partner over the long life of nuclear infrastructure which cannot be said of some other countries with competing nuclear offerings. On these points, Dr. Baranwal's passion is quite evident as the following interview attests to. 

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