SVP for public affairs
Scott Seu is SVP for public affairs at Hawaiian Electric. Hawaiian Electric announced that Seu will become CEO this year.
We interviewed nine of the leaders at Hawaiian Electric including Scott Seu, SVP for public affairs.

PUF: What is your role, and what do you do on an average day?
Scott Seu: I get to work with guys like Jim Kelly in corporate relations. He has one leg of our three-legged public affairs stool.
For one of the other legs, Joe Viola is vice president of regulatory affairs. He has all of the interactions with our Public Utilities Commission and Consumer Advocate. Then, the third leg of the stool is under Darcy Endo-Omoto. She is vice president of government and community affairs.
PUF: Jim took us to a ceremony for the twenty-megawatt solar facility on Navy lands. There were two U.S. senators there, and that's amazing. There was also community representation.
Scott Seu: When the project was first conceived it was done by our group in the company that develops projects. They interact with the Navy. They came to agreement about how the Navy will provide use of the property and Hawaiian Electric will develop the solar farm.
To the extent that there is interaction needed with our U.S. senators or folks in the government, there are also state agencies that would have to be involved in reviewing the project and approving it.