EPRI: Reactor Inspection Lab


Visiting EPRI Innovators

Fortnightly Magazine - November 11 2019
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You might feel like you were with PUF editors during a special tour of one of the world's top energy labs, at EPRI's sprawling campus in Charlotte.


PUF: This is the wall for a pressurized water reactor?

Paul Weeks: Yes. This is an outlet nozzle. It's a very heavy piece, and we have to have specialized equipment to pick it up.

PUF: Right, because the wall is very thick. And the boiling water reactor is over here?

Paul Weeks: Yes. This is a real reactor vessel. This came from, River Bend, I believe, because they didn't finish the second unit. So, it was stopped, and EPRI has been able to work with many of the utilities where they stopped construction.

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PUF: So, you got this off of eBay?

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