Getting the Details Right
Charles Bayless recently retired as President and Provost of the West Virginia University Institute of Technology. Previously he was Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer of Illinova Corporation and its wholly owned subsidiary, Illinois Power Company. Prior to joining Illinova Corporation, he was Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer of Tucson Electric Power Company.
The future of our electric production and supply is complicated.
It has become the topic du jour on television. You can't miss it on the news with the political pundits taking on climate change issues but perhaps not really knowing as much as they should about the technicalities of what it means to supply energy to a diverse nation like the United States.
So PUF asked an industry veteran, Charles Bayless, for his take on where this is all going. He has been around awhile and seen a lot. It is an important topic that matters to us all. What do we do with the old yet reliable methods of generating electricity while we implement the new? Carbon matters. The debate rages on.
The complex interaction of all our energy supply options and how they interact in the end will affect jobs, lives, public health, and bottom lines. Bayless uncovers some cold, hard facts. Enjoy the discussion.
PUF's Steve Mitnick: We want to talk about how nuclear is central to combating climate change. Give us an overview. Some people don't see nuclear as being essential. Why is it?