Delaware PSC: Regulatory Policy Administrators


A Day at the Delaware PSC

Fortnightly Magazine - October 2019
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The PUF team traveled to Dover, Delaware to visit the Public Service Commission, and the timing was perfect. For the PSC turned 70!

The five Commissioners are part-time, which is unusual in the regulatory world, and the Staff of about thirty, are kept busy. Some kindly took time from their hectic schedules to speak with PUF and let us know what makes Delaware special.


PUF: Connie, what's in your background that led you to the Commission?

Connie McDowell: I started in 1984. My background was financial, in accounting. I saw a job description where I could use my education. I'd been a business manager for a company prior to that, and wanted to expand on that, so I applied and got the job. I started out as a Public Utility Analyst 1, and I've worked my way up through the ranks over the years.

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