NARUC Committee Chairs
Maida Coleman is a commissioner for the Missouri Public Service Commission and chair of NARUC’s Committee on Consumers and the Public Interest.
The next several issues of Public Utilities Fortnightly will focus on the dedicated and hardworking Commissioners that chair committees at the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners.
NARUC committees have many roles, from setting policy on congressional, federal, and industry matters, to holding relevant education sessions and panels, as well as developing materials for states to consider.
PUF starts with Missouri Commissioner Maida J. Coleman, Chair of the NARUC Consumers and the Public Interest Committee. Commissioner Coleman worked on consumer related issues from her time as State Senator to leading the Missouri Office of Community Engagement. Her willingness to tackle the tough issues as Chair of the Committee on Consumers and the Public Interest has benefited the regulatory community and the industries that serve those consumers.
PUF's Liz Stipnieks: What role does the Committee on Consumers and the Public Interest play in relation to other standing committees at NARUC?
Commissioner Coleman: There was a name change to the committee that came about under the presidency of Connecticut Commissioner John "Jack" Betkoski.