Commissioner David Ziegner


A Day at the Indiana URC

Fortnightly Magazine - July 2019
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It was May when the PUF team traveled to Indianapolis and received a warm welcome at the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission. Commissioners and Staff educated us about Indy, also known as Circle City, as the statehouse was planned around Monument Circle. It's reminiscent of Washington, and not surprising as a surveyor for Pierre L'Enfant, who designed our nation's capital city, with its many traffic circles, helped design the Indy town plan.


PUF: You have been here a long time. How long and to what do you contribute your longevity?

Commissioner Ziegner: I started in 1990, and I'm currently serving my ninth term as Commissioner. I was appointed by Governor Evan Bayh and reappointed by him twice. Then Governor O'Bannon came — he was Governor Bayh's Lieutenant Governor — and I was reappointed by him twice. Then Governor Daniels, Governor Pence, and most recently by Governor Holcomb. I will say, and I mean this sincerely, I have been very fortunate.

There is a requirement in Indiana law that no more than three of the five Commissioners could be in the same political party, so I have certainly benefited from that after the Republicans came to power. Each Governor has been very kind to me and very supportive and I'm grateful for that.

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