Exelon Utilities
Anne Pramaggiore is the CEO of Exelon Utilities.
PUF's Steve Mitnick: People want you to be everywhere and speak everywhere, but you decided to come here. What was your thinking? What did you want to accomplish?

Anne Pramaggiore: There were a couple of reasons. One is, it's a very esteemed international audience. I come to these to learn, so I hear about what's going on in other places, and I can take that back and think through these new approaches.
So, that's one reason. The other reason is, Accenture has such great positioning in the industry. When Jack Azagury [Senior Managing Director - Resources, North America, Accenture] and I were preparing, we discussed that the wires and poles portion of the grid is important. It's not going away any time soon.
But the technology overlay, the digital overlay, to the good old wires and poles network is the evolution and it is an entirely new network. It's another grid, and that's a critical piece of the functionality the grid needs in the future. Accenture is a company that's driving that transformation. Accenture is a company that understands that, and these are people who are part of that aspect of what we're trying to accomplish for the future.