State and Future of Power: Jason Stanek


State Commission Chairs

Fortnightly Magazine - June 10 2019
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PUF's Liz Stipnieks: What's it like to be Chair of the Commission?

Chair Stanek: It's a great position because I have the ability to effectuate change and implement the state's policy on a daily basis. The role of the Chairman contains everything that the four Commissioners do, but in addition I have some added responsibilities including administrative responsibilities, human resources, and personnel, as well as contacts with other agency heads, both within the state and externally, including the PSC chairs of other states.

The Commission is active in a number of proceedings with respect to grid modernization and rate design and on any given week we will likely have hearings.

By statute we are required to hold a public open meeting once a week, so we are always on the bench every Wednesday. In addition to that, we'll have some type of a public hearing either to explore an issue, have a technical conference, or gather public input.

Aside from those Commission responsibilities, I have frequent weekly if not daily, contacts with the public. Whenever a member of the public contacts the PSC, we provide a response and I draft the written response.

There are times when I find that it's easier just to pick up the phone and contact the ratepayer or the taxpayer to address their concerns, and that helps ground me somewhat and puts me in touch with the people whose lives we affect on a daily basis.

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