Navigant Perspectives
PUF’s Steve Mitnick: You have a short elevator ride alone with the chief executive of a major utility. What would you want to tell him or her? What does Navigant see as some of the initial steps in preparing for the energy transformation?

Wendy Jaehn: Focus on your customers, as their energy needs are changing rapidly. Include environment and climate risk mitigation into your strategic decision-making and day-to-day operations, as it will have far-reaching consequences for your business and the customers you serve. As your business becomes more customer-centric and sustainability-focused, it must also embrace innovation, adaptation, and transformation at scale.
Innovation of new products and services to better meet customer needs will require different processes, technology, people, and culture, all supported across the organization. Climate change will require utilities to adapt and make different investment decisions. The customers, cities, and communities they serve are increasingly focused on reducing their carbon footprint, improving resiliency, and implementing sustainability strategies and plans.