District of Columbia PSC
Willie Phillips is chair of the District of Columbia Public Service Commission.
PUF's Lori Burkhart: Give a brief overview for our readers of what MEDSIS is.
Chair Phillips: MEDSIS is the D.C. Public Service Commission with modernization proceedings. This proceeding really kicked off about three years ago. This is something that unlike a lot of jurisdictions we weren't required to do. This is something that the Commission did on its own.
It was a calling from the community for something like this because as we were doing infrastructure projects and approving infrastructure projects, people wanted to know what the Commission's comprehensive plan was to address with modernization and not just do it piece by piece as it's presented to us by the utilities.
And so, we launched MEDSIS. It has been done in two phases. For the first phase, it was really an information collection phase. We had about three technical conferences - and we looked at the logs, we looked at technologies, and then the Staff put together a Staff report. That Staff report was presented to the Commission without comment and then we approved the Staff report.
PUF: What is happening in phase two?