NRECA Annual Meeting
Marcus Harris is CEO of Old Dominion Electric Cooperative.
PUF's Steve Mitnick: What is your role like as CEO?
Marcus Harris: I'm the president, CEO of Old Dominion Electric Co-op. We serve eleven distribution co-ops. Nine are in Virginia, one in Delaware, and one is in Maryland.
I'm responsible for everything in the company. We own our own generation, so we are a generation owner operator. We have a mix of generation that ranges from nuclear as part owner of North Anna to half owner of a big coal plant with Dominion.
We've got a brand-new combined-cycle gas plant. We've got gas peakers. We have everything across the board. We've got some wind and solar.
We serve about five hundred and eighty thousand meters. Our peak load is about thirty-four hundred megawatts. Summer peak load is about three thousand megawatts.
PUF: You have an interesting background. You've only been there for about a year, but you came from the investor-owned world.
Marcus Harris: I did. I worked a lot of years in South Carolina at the IOU. During my career there I worked a lot with South Carolina, North Carolina, and in Georgia, with the co-ops. I got to know a lot of the co-op people.
I got to know the co-op model and made a conscious decision six years ago that I wanted to spend the rest of my career in the co-op space. I started putting feelers out. I asked, what do you think the opportunities are?