A Day at North Carolina UC
Dan Clodfelter is a commissioner for the North Carolina Utilities Commission.
The PUF team made its way to the North Carolina Utilities Commission in mid-February. They received a warm welcome not only from the Commission but also from the independent and large Public Staff, which intervenes on behalf of the using and consuming public.
PUF: How did you come to be a Commissioner?
Commissioner Clodfelter: I was approached by some folks who were familiar with the work I had done in the legislature on energy issues and who inquired whether I would have any interest in serving. It seemed like an interesting opportunity at a time when a great deal of change in the policy environment was in prospect. In other words, it sounded like it might be fun.
I had been one of the principal legislative managers of North Carolina's renewable energy portfolio legislation and had worked on various other pieces of legislation dealing with renewable energy issues and also with state water policy issues, so I had gotten some reputation among folks working in those areas. The regulated companies knew me from that legislative activity and also from additional work on state tax policy legislation during the time I served as co-chairman of the Finance Committee.