Smart LED Conversion Program
Art Bosshart is Manager of Lighting for Tampa Electric.
PUF's Steve Mitnick: What's your job at TECO?

Art Bosshart: I'm in charge of our outdoor lighting service here at Tampa Electric. My title is Manager of Lighting. We've got two hundred and forty-two thousand outdoor street and area lights that we operate and maintain. We've got an additional one hundred and forty thousand poles that are a part of our lighting rate base that serves the community for varied light services.
In our community, we provide outdoor lighting services to both municipalities and counties, as well as many residential, commercial, and industrial customers.
PUF: What's new in outdoor lighting services?
Art Bosshart: The outdoor lighting business was actually Tampa Electric's original business. It started back in 1887 with arc lighting and the technology delivering the service has turned over a few times up to now.
Recently, we fully embraced LED technology and filed a tariff last year that was approved by our regulator, the Florida Public Service Commission, allowing for a five-year transition of our current mix of LED, high pressure sodium and metal halide lights to entirely smart LED.