A Day at the Kentucky Public Service Commission


Eleven Interviews

Fortnightly Magazine - March 2019
WESCO - Helping Public Power Utilities Build the Power Grid of the Future

It was a bright, crisp winter day when Public Utilities Fortnightly went to Kentucky's capital to meet with the Kentucky Public Service Commission. Despite the snow on the ground, we had a warm welcome inside. Kentuckians are proud of their state, and we quickly were regaled with stories about the importance of Frankfort and its prime location between Lexington and Louisville. We looked at the first book of Kentucky PSC meeting minutes from 1934. What a great start to our day!

PUF met with the three Commissioners and Staff. Business cards were exchanged and the beautiful outline of a horse head with flowing mane over the state's name and logo of unbridled spirit indeed captured the essence of the Bluegrass state. We knew we were near the famous Kentucky Bourbon Trail, but there was no time for it, as we got down to finding out how unique this PSC is.

The Commissioners bring diverse skill sets to the table, among them, finance, economics and law. (One Commissioner specializes in PJM and MISO.) They have oversight of a Commission that has been greatly reduced in size but still manages to somehow get the important work done. That says a lot about the dedication and camaraderie of the Commissioners and Staff. Enjoy this day at the Kentucky PSC. PUF sure did.

Kentucky Public Service Commission interviews: