How REV Connect’s Innovation Sprints Redefine Utility Procurement


Age-Old Power of Deadlines

Fortnightly Magazine - February 2019
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In our article for the December 2018 issue of Public Utilities Fortnightly, we profiled the successful development of a concept called REV Connect to drive innovation in New York State's energy market.

The article identified four key learnings from Navigant's work with NYSERDA, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, and REV Connect. Ensure the process of innovation is innovative. Demonstrate business models, not just technologies. Create a safe space to innovate. And redefine old relationship patterns.

In hindsight, we could have added another. Remember the power of deadlines.

One of REV Connect's greatest vehicles in driving innovative partnerships among utilities and market players is in the Innovation Sprint. The Innovation Sprint uses tight deadlines in combination with the opportunity for face-to-face utility pitch opportunities in the process of open innovation.

These sprints have fueled an approach to transform New York State utilities' procurement processes. An example of how Innovation Sprints work is through the story of how New York State Electric and Gas, a subsidiary of AVANGRID, was successful in finding a partner for its direct current fast charging electric vehicle pilot program.

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