Ohio PUC: Tammy Turkenton


Director, Rates and Analysis Department

Fortnightly Magazine - June 2018
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PUF: Tell us about your role at the Commission.

Tammy Turkenton: We have a group of about seventy-five people within our Rates and Analysis Department.

The Rates and Analysis Department is comprised of various kinds of technical disciplines, including auditing, accounting, financial, engineering, and economic.

PUF: Tell us what you do on a typical day.

Tammy Turkenton: We are a technical arm of the PUCO, so we are advising not only Commissioners, but also the administrative law judges through the case and hearing process. We manage the financial and technical aspects of cases that are filed by the utilities we regulate.

Examples of cases we typically process can include electric security plans, gas infrastructure applications, distribution rate cases, power siting applications, and advanced energy/renewable applications and energy efficiency applications.

PUF: Do each of you take pieces of the report to work on? Do you listen in on hearings?

Tammy Turkenton: It's all of the above. There are multiple staff members within different divisions and departments that work on utility applications submitted to the Commission. In a distribution rate case, for example, it wouldn't be unusual for fifteen to twenty people from various disciplines to work on a particular case.

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