Ohio PUC: Howard Petricoff


Chief Analyst

Fortnightly Magazine - June 2018
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PUF: Your job is like being a chief of staff. Tell me about it.

Howard Petricoff: That's correct. I'm the head of the professional staff at the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. As such, my focus is primarily on developing the positions the staff takes in rate cases, enforcement actions and testimony at hearings as well as staff reports.

PUF: How did you become the chief analyst?

Howard Petricoff: Oddly enough, it started when I retired. For thirty-three years, I practiced law, representing energy producers, energy users, land owners and state universities in matters involving energy and environmental regulation.

Two days after I retired I was approached by colleagues in the governor's office about coming back to work for the Public Utilities Commission. I have always had an interest in government and economics. In addition to my law degree, I have a bachelor's and master's degree in public administration.

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