UUAS Partners with FTC
In September 2017, Sheri Givens was appointed Executive Director of Utilities United Against Scams. Givens is President of Givens Energy, providing energy consulting services to a wide range of clients on regulatory and consumer education issues. From 2009 to 2013, she served as the state utility consumer advocate for Texas. Most recently, she was appointed to serve on DOE’s Electricity Advisory Committee.
Since 1998, the first full week of March has been promoted as National Consumer Protection Week. The initiative began in the former White House Office of Consumer Affairs. When the office was disbanded, NCPW promotion was moved to the Federal Trade Commission in partnership with other government agencies.
The FTC has been the nation's consumer protection agency for over a hundred years. Combatting fraud is a critical component of its mission. The federal agency does this through consumer education and litigation.
March fourth through tenth marks the twentieth annual NCPW, and over a hundred partners are joining the FTC's efforts this year. The purpose of the weeklong educational campaign is to help people understand their rights as consumers, encourage them to review educational resources to avoid scams, and make informed decisions about how they are spending their money.
There is no better time to warn consumers about impostor scams, including those related to electric, gas, and water utilities.