Other Organizations Join Effort
Len Holland is Manager, AEIC Services at the Association of Edison Illuminating Companies.
AEIC's Meter and Service Committee and Cable Engineering Committee work with other organizations in the electric energy industry to improve the flow of information and add benefits to AEIC member companies and to the industry in general.
AEIC's Meter and Service Committee meets with the EEI Metering Committee twice a year. The joint meeting is held during EEI's Transmission, Distribution, Metering, and Mutual Assistance Conference.
During the metering track, jointly managed by AEIC and EEI committee officers, participants discuss the latest technological advances in the metering sector, share information about metering organizations within operating companies, highlight ideas regarding successful safety programs, and review metering issues that have occurred along with effective solutions that have been developed to address them.
The joint committee meeting invites specific manufacturers of electric metering equipment and associated hardware and software to exhibit and discuss their products and their contributions to forward-thinking electric metering operations.
A highlight of the joint AEIC/EEI metering meeting is the roundtable discussion. During this phase of the meeting, AEIC and EEI metering personnel conduct a closed-door session to discuss issues, topics, policy and procedures within metering operations.