Great Place to Work
When I think back on my long career in the electric utility industry, I think about how and more importantly, why I spent almost all of it outside of the core business. At least, the core business as it used to be defined for the utility company — safely delivering cheap and reliable energy to the customer's home or business.

Funny, that's not what I thought my job was. And that's not why I was there. I was there because I wanted to do my part to improve the world. Living in Lake Tahoe, I was obviously very aware of the environment. And to top it off, I got to work directly with customers. Real people. I thought that the energy efficiency department was the coolest place to work in the entire company. Maybe looking back on it, I was about thirty years ahead of the times.
Thirty years later, it seems like a lot of people agree with me.
The Association of Energy Services Professionals (AESP) and Essense Partners recently completed a major research project entitled "Trends in Energy and Demand Management - Programs, Technology, Jobs."
In the report, we noted several interesting dynamics that are specific to the energy efficiency and demand-side management sectors for the utility industry.