AEIC's Monthly Committee Report


AEIC’s Electric Power Apparatus and Load Research & Analytics Committees

Fortnightly Magazine - September 2017

The use of data analytics in predicting the operational life and optimal maintenance of power apparatus equipment was a main topic of the AEIC Electric Power Apparatus Committee when it met in April in Sedona, AZ.

The three-day meeting gave committee members the opportunity to hear presentations on the use of analytics from a variety of suppliers including Omnetric, General Electric, IBM, OSIsoft LLC, Leidos, and Space Time Insights.

Members also heard a presentation by Aaron Dock of Salt River Project, who serves as the First Vice Chairman of AEIC's Load Research & Analytics Committee. His presentation covered projects undertaken by the Load Research & Analytics Committee and various uses of data analytics deployed by the members of the Committee.

Report - Grid Investment for Medium & Heavy Duty EVs

Included in the agenda were presentations by EPAC members Joe Arasim from Florida Power and Light, Mark McGranaghan from EPRI, and Jasdeep Sing from Arizona Public Service.

The AEIC Electric Power Apparatus Committee meetings generally fall into three categories. In most of the meetings the Committee focuses on a specific type of equipment, such as transformers or circuit breakers.

The committee then invites suppliers of the specific equipment to the meeting to discuss their products. Other meetings will focus on a specific topic, such as analytics or asset management.

Another type of meeting occurs when the committee invites one specific manufacturer to make presentations about all their equipment offerings. This meeting is called a "Wall-to-Wall" and often includes a tour of the manufacturer's factory.

The AEIC Electric Power Apparatus Committee will meet again September 25 - 28 in Huntington Beach, CA.

AEIC Load Research & Analytics Committee

AEIC's Load Research & Analytics Committee put the finishing touches on one of its major projects, the Load Research Manual, Third Edition, during its regular meeting in San Diego, CA. in June and took the opportunity to review how the Committee operates in fulfilling its mission of education for the electric energy industry.

Kathy Johnson, Dominion Energy, Chair of the Performance Leadership Subcommittee, and Cheryl Hindes, Baltimore Gas & Electric (retired), Past Chair of the LR&A Committee, discussed the final steps to be completed before the Load Research Manual will be available to the electric energy community. The manual will be sold in its entirety, or as individual chapters, through the AEIC website,

Report - Grid Investment for Medium & Heavy Duty EVs

During the meeting, committee members gave presentations on various aspects of load research and analytics work. Leslie Willoughby of San Diego Gas & Electric spoke on electric vehicle charging with variable rates. Ed Conley of Pepco Holdings discussed a wholesale customer class forecasting project. Peggy Maurhoff described Oncor's testing of a transition from using classic Load Research samples to determine rate class demand to a newer method utilizing AMI interval data by rate class.

Representing EPRI, Chris Holmes discussed EPRI's end-use load data initiative update, and Ken Schiermeyer of San Diego Gas & Electric gave survey results from the LR&A's basics course, which is taught every spring.

A major block of time in the agenda was allowed for the Committee to discuss both its current and future states, including membership, committee projects, a greater awareness of AEIC's Load Research & Analytics Committee within AEIC member companies, and future initiatives the Committee will consider undertaking.

In addition to its many educational events, the Committee will meet again in late October or early November in Asheville, N.C.