NARUC Innovation Awards


ICC Chair Sheahan on Innovation Taskforce

PUF 2.0 - September 15, 2017

In an era of fast and profound change to technology and regulatory approaches in all utility sectors, the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners and its members must be adaptable and resilient to spot new trends and opportunities.

The technology and structures of the telecommunications, transportation, water, and energy sectors have been at the center of a maelstrom of systemic changes in regard to what NARUC members do and how they do it.

Therefore, on January 17, 2017, NARUC President Robert F. Powelson and the Executive Committee established a Presidential Task Force on Innovation. The task force, led by Illinois Commerce Commission Chairman Brien Sheahan, was charged with spearheading the 2017 Innovation Awards, which recognize both state and utility innovators.

Chairman Sheahan provided his insights on the value of recognizing and embracing innovation.

Is the award a recognition that the utility regulatory space can keep pace with and adapt to changing technologies?

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Commissioner Powelson's leadership in establishing the Task Force on Innovation and these awards has been unprecedented. He has provided a gateway for NARUC members to embrace innovation and encourage members to find ways to leverage new technologies in each sector.

The purpose of these awards is to highlight those propelling the energy industry into the future and leading the adaptation of the many technological and regulatory changes we are seeing today.

In addition to recognizing leaders in regulatory policy innovation at multiple levels of government, including federal, state, municipal, and local levels, the awards will recognize energy-industry innovators in the various utility sectors, such as water and sewer, electricity, gas, and telecom.

It is critical that NARUC members have access to spot new trends and opportunities in the public utility sector, and be able to adapt to those coming changes.

Why is it important for people to participate - to nominate a utility or regulator?

It is important for people to participate and nominate their peers because NARUC is a forum to share best practices and foster innovative solutions to improve regulation. It is essential that we recognize those that have dedicated their time, energy, and expertise to furthering innovation.

This is a great opportunity to put a spotlight on those groups and individuals who are paving the way to a more customer-focused, resilient, reliable, cost-effective, and efficient future for the utility industry.

What are the biggest challenges or obstacles faced by regulators as they try to be innovative? Are they hindered by staffing issues? Financial resources?

The biggest challenge for regulators is navigating change in an industry that provides critical services to customers twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Regulators have a duty to balance the interests of consumers and utilities to ensure adequate, efficient, reliable, safe, and least-cost public utility services.

There is understandable hesitation as we move toward a future full of new technology and innovation, but this industry must keep up. We cannot be stagnant. We must embrace innovation in order to meet our obligations.

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We believe that the utility industry will change more in the next ten years than it has in the last one hundred years. We have an aging workforce. The industry must hire the next generation of talented professionals from a wide range of backgrounds who are excited about the utility industry. We have to attract diverse new talent to join the industry quickly in order to retain the invaluable institutional knowledge from our retiring workforce.

Thoughts on leading the task force?


I am honored to lead the Task Force on Innovation, and hope that NARUC members will take advantage of the opportunity to award some deserving people these exciting awards. v