Videos: SEPA Grid Evolution Summit


SEPA’s conference on grid evolution. Or revolution?

PUF 2.0 - August 15, 2017

It was a busy week in sultry mid-summer Washington. The next day found us at SEPA's massive conference on grid evolution. Or revolution? SEPA's CEO opened with her "state of the state" address as if she was governor of a 51st state that had re-imagined the grid. And then there was a steady stream of thought-proving panels. Couldn't help ourselves. Took a ton of video clips, as you can see for yourself. Including of leading regulators, consumer advocates, Capitol Hill movers and shakers, and technology exhibitors.




Julia Hamm, CEO, SEPA


Congressman Paul Tonko (D-NY)

President Michael Picker, California PUC

Commissioner Travis Kavulla, Vice Chairman, Montana Public Service Commission

Report - Grid Investment for Medium & Heavy Duty EVs

Commissioner Doug Little, Arizona Corporation Commission

Tom Hassenboehler, Chief Counsel, US House Committee on Energy and Commerce

Rick Kessler, Senior Advisor, US House Committee on Energy and Commerce

John Kliem, Executive Director - Resilient Energy Program, Department of the Navy

Elin Swanson Katz, Connecticut Consumer Counsel

Michelle Patron, Director of Sustainability Policy, Microsoft

Mark Goody, Manager - Electric Vehicle Programs, fleetcarma

Report - Grid Investment for Medium & Heavy Duty EVs

Vicki Trees, Director - Marketing Communication, Landis + Gyr