Harassment is Wrong
Since April 2014, Sue Kelly has been president and CEO of the American Public Power Association – the voice of not-for-profit, community-owned utilities that power 2,000 towns and cities nationwide. Earlier, she was the senior vice president, policy analysis and general counsel. Under Kelly’s leadership, the association has advocated on wholesale electric market issues, worked to strengthen cybersecurity awareness and resources for utilities and raised the profile of public power in Washington, D.C.
Many jobs are difficult, and some are extremely challenging. There is nothing easy about being a commercial fisherman, firefighter, or law enforcement professional.

I sometimes am tempted to kvetch about the less fulfilling aspects of my job as President & CEO of the American Public Power Association. Then I think about the lineworkers who work for my utility members. They have to go out in the wake of severe weather events and labor under very adverse conditions for days on end to restore electric service. So I know I have it easy.
Unfortunately, it has now become necessary to remind the public that FERC commissioners, state public utility commissioners and local governing bodies that regulate utilities have demanding jobs as well, and deserve our respect. This is true whether they work with IOUs, coops and/or public power, helping provide essential services such as power, water, telecommunications, and transportation.