PUF 2016 Index of Articles, Interviews and Columns
Steve Mitnick is Editor-in-Chief of Public Utilities Fortnightly and author of the book “Lines Down: How We Pay, Use, Value Grid Electricity Amid the Storm.”
A hundred and ninety of us voiced our opinions on utility regulation and policy in 2016 in Public Utilities Fortnightly. From Paul Afonso to Audrey Zibelman; chief execs, commissioners and commoners debated competition, cyber, climate change and all the challenges.
Ten current or retired chief execs weighed in, in PUF: Charles Bayless, Werner Buehler, Bob Catell, Tom Fanning, Bob Flexon, Joe Rigby, Jim Rogers, Bob Skaggs, Bill Spence and Branko Terzic.
Sixteen current or retired commissioners weighed in too, in PUF: Paul Afonso, Lauren Azar, Dian Grueneich, James Hoecker, Ashley Brown, David Boonin, Charles Cicchetti, Tony Clark, Tim Echols, Joshua Epel, Terrance Fitzpatrick, Travis Kavulla, Ann McCabe, Philip O'Connor, Branko Terzic and Audrey Zibelman.
Plus, many of the most respected thought leaders of our time, in utility regulation and policy. We heard from Ralph Cavanagh, Ken Costello, Ahmad Faruqui, Tom Flaherty, William Hogan, Leonard Hyman, Michael Shellenberger, Lisa Wood and Roger Woodworth, among others.
And, many of the most respected regulatory lawyers of our time. We heard from Brendan Collins, Joel deJesus, Carmen Gentile, Delia Patterson, David Raskin, Harvey Reiter and Clint Vince, among others.
There are just too many to mention here. How about an author in July's PUF, Maria Korsnick? She recently became chief exec of the Nuclear Energy Institute. Or an author in March, May, August and September, Tom Sloan? He was reelected to the Kansas House of Representatives. How did Tom have time to campaign?
Or Jan Vrins who heads Navigant's energy practice? Or Michael Deggendorf who heads Grid Assurance? Or Ken Gerling who heads transmission projects at Burns & McDonnell? Or Val Jensen who heads customer ops at Com Ed? Or Barbara Alexander and Sheri Givens who headed consumer advocate agencies? Or Adam Sieminski who heads the Energy Information Administration?
If I've not mentioned you, my sincere apologies. We're grateful, on behalf of all PUF readers, for your contribution. There are 140 of you that I've not named here. But every author of an article, column or letter and every interviewee is listed in the PUF 2016 Index that follows.
Did you watch Robert Borlick, Ashley Brown, Charles Cicchetti, Michael Rosenzweig and John Sheik debate - with gloves off - on the letters page? And Jim Fama reflect on his remarkable career in that candid interview last June?
This year, 2017, we're off to a fast start. The January 1st, 2017 PUF featured 27 authors. We hope to feature nearly 250 voices this year. By doubling of the magazine's frequency this spring, it will be feasible to fit all of them in.
Which brings us to why PUF was founded back in 1928, and what PUF is all about today. It was and is the forum for commentary, opinion and debate on utility regulation and policy. If you express your perspective in PUF, you impact the debate.
Hence our new slogan, highlighting our mission: In PUF, Impact the Debate.
This year, we hope to expand the readership of PUF to 100,000, by transitioning from single-user licenses to site licenses. That's great. But even when our readership was 10,000, it included the senior decision-makers and policy-makers for the electric and natural gas industries.
So, help shape our industries' paths. Make your point in PUF. We and they are all reading and listening.
PUF 2016 Index of Articles, Interviews and Columns
Paul Afonso, Lauren Azar, Dian Grueneich and James Hoecker, "Preparing for the Inevitable," August's PUF
Veronica Ahern, Craig Berry, Bruce Cho, Carmen Davis, Steve Mormann, Naza Shelley, Timour Skrynnikov, interviewed, November's PUF
Jan Ahlen, "The Consumer-Centric Utility," July's PUF
Barbara Alexander, Ashley Brown and Ahmad Faruqui, "Rethinking Rationale for Net Metering," October's PUF
Massoud Amin, "Microgrids & Battery Storage," January's PUF
William Atkinson, "Utility-Scale Storage: Four Utilities, Four Strategies," January's PUF
Charles Bayless, "Reshaping Energy," September's PUF; "Frequency Control and ACE," October's PUF
Betsy Beck, "Finishing Transmission Planning Reforms," October's PUF
Michael Beehler, "Response to Huntoon Re: Big Transmission," February's PUF
Roger Bezdek, "Unsung Role of Fossil Fuels in the Miracle of U.S. Growth," August's PUF; "Essential Role of Fossil Fuels in Future Economic Growth," September's PUF
Adam Bickford and Suzanne Pletcher, "Utility Streetlight Retrofits," March's PUF
Ann Stouffer Bisconti, "Public Weighs In on Market Conditions Threatening Nuclear Power Plants," July's PUF
David Boonin, "Refocusing Rate Design Debates," November's PUF; "Effective Rate Design," December's PUF
Robert Borlick, "Order 745 - A Time Bomb for Electricity Consumers," July's PUF; "Response to Mitnick Re: Costs Fixed Depending on Timeframe," September's PUF; "Response to Cicchetti Re: Net Metering," October's PUF
Cameron Brooks, "Tale of Two Grids," May's PUF
Ashley Brown, "Response to Cicchetti/Wellinghoff Re: Net Metering," February's PUF
Jason Brown, "Technology on the Move," February's PUF
Dave Bryant, "High Performance Transmission Conductors Are Improving Grid Efficiency," June's PUF
Werner Buehler, interviewed, October's PUF
Dave Burg, Alan Conkle and Dennis Curtis, "Do Bigger Investments Yield Greater Returns on Cybersecurity?" February's PUF
Julie Cannell, "Local Financing Benefits U.S. Utilities," November's PUF
Bob Catell, interviewed, September's PUF
Craig Cavanaugh, "Challenging Common Excuses for Ignoring Grid Analytics," December's PUF
Shannon Chu, "Path Forward for Nuclear Fuel Storage," November's PUF
Charles Cicchetti, "Response to Brown Re: Net Metering," and "Order 745: Challenge to Plain Old Power Markets," April's PUF; "Residential Demand Charges are a Bad Choice," December's PUF
Tony Clark, interviewed, July's PUF
Brendan Collins, "Obligations and Opportunities: Wires Cos. Plug In to Clean Power Plan," April's PUF
Ken Costello, "New Technologies Require Regulatory Vigilance and Balance," February's PUF; "Are Utilities and Government Skimping on R&D? April's PUF; "Beware of Vertical Arrangements for Gas Procurement," June's PUF; "Good Ratemaking is Hard to Do," August's PUF; "Is Customer Activism for Real?" November's PUF
Phil Cross, "Net Metering Skirmishes in Hawaii, California, Mississippi, Nevada," February's PUF; "Fate of Conservation Mandates," March's PUF; "Illicit Marketing Practices," April's PUF; "Line Dividing Regulation and Management," June's PUF; "2016 Annual Rate Case Survey," November's PUF
Paul DeCotis, "New Regulatory Paradigm Needed Now to Support Distributed Energy Resources," March's PUF
Michael Deggendorf, "No-Regrets Approach to Enhancing Grid Resiliency," August's PUF
Joel deJesus, "New Grid Security Measures for 2016," February's PUF
Joel deJesus and Carmen Gentile, "FPA 203(a)(1)(B): A Deal is a Deal, No Matter How Small?" May's PUF
Keith Dennis, "Community Storage: Coming to a Home Near You," February's PUF
Vincent DeVito, "Energy Company's Pipe Dream," July's PUF
Joseph Donovan, "The Mobiles are FAST," August's PUF
Shawn DuBravac, "Framing Virtual Reality," April's PUF
Tim Echols, "Nuclear Energy - Tastes Like Chicken," September's PUF
Joshua Epel, James Tarpey, Nicholas Eaton and Jacob Rey, "Giving Credit Where Credit is Due," July's PUF
Jim Fama, interviewed, June's PUF
Tom Fanning, interviewed, Leadership Lyceum podcast, October's PUF
Ahmad Faruqui, "Response to King/Datta Re: Time-Varying Rates," March's PUF; "Gretchen Bakke's Meditation on the Grid," October's PUF
Alan Feibelman and Gerry Yurkevicz, "Transitioning to the Utility of the Future," September's PUF
Terrance Fitzpatrick, "The Price of Retail Electricity Competition in Pennsylvania," March's PUF
Tom Flaherty, "Lessons for Tomorrow's Deals," September's PUF; "Innovation Gains Traction with Utilities," November's PUF; "Challenge of Commercialization," December's PUF
Tom Flaherty and Owen Ward, "Expanding Deals, Shrinking Companies," June's PUF
Sam Flaim and Loren Toole, "Electricity, Economic Efficiency and Growth," April's PUF
Bob Flexon, interviewed, Leadership Lyceum podcast, November's PUF
Colin Fraser, "Rethinking How to Value Energy Savings in Smaller Businesses," April's PUF
Matt Fitch and Josh Freed, "The Middle Way," August's PUF
Daniel Gabaldon, "Is Cleantech Coming of Age?" May's PUF
Daniel Gabaldon, Matt Guarini and Jamie Wimberly, "Here Comes the Sun," July's PUF
Sean Gammons, Glenn George, Robert Southern and Willis Geffert, "Getting Ready for Competition in Japan," October's PUF
Stan Garnett, interviewed, August's PUF
Glenn George and Hans-Martin Ihle, "Success Strategies in New Japanese Electric Power Market," November's PUF
Glenn George, Hans-Martin Ihle and Miura Wataru, "Electricity Market Reform in Japan," August's PUF
Karen George, "Architecture for the Integrated Grid," December's PUF
Ken Gerling, interviewed, July's PUF
Nicholas Giannasca, "Commercial DG - Case for Financeable Contracts," April's PUF
Eric Gimon and Robbie Orvis, "How Much Do Combined Cycle Natural Gas Plants Really Need to be Paid," March's PUF
Sheri Givens, "Solar Consumer Education and Protection," February's PUF; "Today's NASUCA," April's PUF
Jeffrey Goltz, "Facilitating Innovation," December's PUF
Maria Guimaraes, "A Robotic Concrete Crawler," July's PUF
John Hargrove, interviewed, July's PUF
John Hargrove, "Vegas Energy, Baby," November's PUF; "Health Benefits of Energy Efficiency," December's PUF
Bill Hederman, interviewed, October's PUF
Ross Hemphill and Ken Costello, "Regulators Can Win the Trifecta with Residential Demand Charges," July's PUF
Ross Hemphill and Val Jensen, "Illinois Approach to Regulating Distribution Utility of the Future," June's PUF
Darren Highfill and Brad Bauch, "AMI to IoT," December's PUF
Ryan Hledik and Ahmad Faruqui, "Competing Perspectives on Demand Charges," September's PUF
William Hogan, "Demand Response: Getting the Prices Right," March's PUF
Steve Huntoon, "Battery Storage: Drinking the Kool-Aid," January's PUF; "You Say You Want a REVolution," February's PUF; "Musk and Me," March's PUF; "Just Ducky," April's PUF; "The Powerwall Follies," May's PUF; "Getting Berned," June's PUF; "POPS Is Here to Stay," July's PUF; "Nice Work If You Can Get It," August's PUF; "Helter Skelter," September's PUF; "Hooking Up," November's PUF; "Ultimate Triumph of Standard Market Design," December's PUF
Leonard Hyman, "Response to Two Articles Re: Grid Resilience," October's PUF
Leonard Hyman and William Tilles, "The British Electricity Model: Twenty-Five Years of Experience," June's PUF; "Marginal Utility," July's PUF, August's PUF and September's PUF; "Don't Cry for Utility Shareholders, America," October's PUF; "Small Modular Reactors and Path Not Taken," November's PUF; "Capitalism Debates Socialism in Honolulu," December's PUF
Harjeet Johal, Ken Collison, Elliot Roseman and Dan Rogier, "Averting Disaster on the Grid," September's PUF
Andrew Kaplan, "Monetizing Energy Storage," December's PUF
K Kaufmann, "Energy Future in Ohio Corn Fields," December's PUF
K Kaufmann, John Pang, John Sterling and Chris Vlahoplus, "Postcards from Hawaii: Lessons on Grid Transformation," February's PUF
Travis Kavulla, "We, the Regulators," January's PUF
Larry Kellerman, "Reinvigorating a Century Old Business Model," April's PUF
Chris King and Bonnie Datta, "Reply to Faruqui Re: Time Varying Rates," March's PUF
Llewellyn King, "Government Works Better Pulling Rather than Pushing," February's PUF
Lawrence Kirsch and Matthew Morey, "Has Retail Choice Delivered on its Promises," June's PUF
Daniel Klein, "First Look at 2015 CO2 Emission Trends for the U.S.," May's PUF and June's PUF; "Energy Dept.'s Evolving Outlook for U.S. Power Sector," August's PUF
Maria Korsnick, "Action Needed Now to Prevent More Nuclear Plant Closures," July's PUF
Jeremiah Lambert, "Writing 'The Power Brokers,'" May's PUF
Mackinnon Lawrence and Jan Vrins, "Energy Cloud Playbook," July's PUF
Marlo Lewis, Jr., "Schneiderman Targets Peabody Energy," March's PUF
Phillip Lookadoo and Jamie Jackson, "Recent Transmission Develop Selections Based on Cost Containment: Harbinger or Anomaly?" March's PUF
Russell Lowes and Edward Mainland, "Hansen is Wrong about Nuclear Power," May's PUF
Arun Mani, "Storage: Turning Disruptive Technology into Opportunity," August's PUF
Arun Mani and Stephanie Gainger, "Future Service-Oriented Utility," October's PUF
Ann McCabe, with Orijit Ghoshal and Bill Peters, "A Formula for Grid Modernization?" May's PUF
Michael McShane, "Leveraging Gas Smart Meter Technology to Improve Customer Choice," September's PUF
Philip Mezey, "Active Grid," October's PUF
Marc Miller and Bob Gibson, "Texas Solar Two Step," October's PUF
Steve Mitnick, "Forum for Our Industry's Civil Discourse," January's PUF; "No, Edison Wouldn't Recognize Today's Electric Industry," and "Rate Structure Philosophy," February's PUF; "Electricity's Capacity Factor, a Problem?" March's PUF; "We Made Light Free," April's PUF; "Consumers Want What?" May's PUF; "Most Influential Since 1990," June's PUF; "Costs Fixed Depending on Timeframe," July's PUF; "Future Shocked," August's PUF; "Legacy and Generations," and "Challenges of Coops Converging with Other Utilities," September's PUF; "Top Twenty, and Why Financial Strength Matters," October's PUF; "The Way We Live, and Renewables," November's PUF; "Electricity's Complexity," December's PUF
Andrew Moratzka and Sara Bergan, "Community Solar: States Are Testing Designs While Driving Forward," June's PUF
David Mueller, "Geomagnetic Disturbances and the Grid," July's PUF
Michael O'Boyle and Sonia Aggarwal, "Improving Performance in Publicly Owned Utilities," March's PUF
Gary Ockwell, "Going Smart at Scale," January's PUF; "Activating the Human Grid," February's PUF
Philip O'Connor, Wayne Olson and Robert Bussa, "A Five-Point Plan for the Next Wave of Electricity Restructuring," May's PUF
Laura Olive, "Vision of Liquefied Natural Gas Hub," November's PUF
Roy Palk, "An Industry Transformed," April's PUF
Delia Patterson and Harvey Reiter, "FERC Chasing the Uncatchable," May's PUF and June's PUF
Ari Peskoe, "Ratemaking and the Campaign Against Rooftop Solar," July's PUF
Andrew Phillips, "Ti - The Transmission Line Inspection Robot," April's PUF
Suzanne Pletcher, "Benefits Add Up," November's PUF
Bruce Radford, "Going Against the Flow," February's PUF; "The Long and Short of Grid Congestion," March's PUF; "FERC v. Ohio," April's PUF; "It's a Five-Minute World," June's PUF; "Topping the $1K Cap," August's PUF; "Modernizing PURPA," October's PUF
David Raskin, "A Rose by Any Other Name: Response to 'Solar Battle Lines,'" March's PUF
Joe Rigby, Bob Skaggs and Les Silverman, interviewed, Leadership Lyceum podcast, December's PUF
Craig Roach and Vincent Musco, "Federal Versus State Jurisdiction in the Electricity Business," May's PUF
Jim Rogers, interviewed, August's PUF
Steven Rose, "Estimating Benefits of Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions," August's PUF
Michael Rosenzweig, "Response to Borlick Re: Order 745," October's PUF
Nancy Ryan and Lucy McKenzie, "Utilities' Role in Transport Electrification: Promoting Competition, Balancing Risks," March's PUF and April's PUF
Ron Schoff, "Incubating the Technologies of Tomorrow," May's PUF
Chip Scott, Justin Lowe and Amanda Levin, "A Holistic Cyber Strategy," January's PUF
Michael O'Sheasy and Joshua Rogers, "Parsing Poles and Towers," January's PUF
John Sheik, "Response to Radford Re: EPSA Complaints at FERC on Ohio Contracts," May's PUF
Michael Shellenberger, "How the Environmental Movement Changed its Mind on Nuclear Power," May's PUF
Adam Sieminski, interviewed, October's PUF
John Simmins, "EPRI Explores Augmented Reality to Improve Grid Reliability," June's PUF
Tom Sloan, "Technological Innovation and Public Policy-Making," March's PUF; "Energy Policy Development - Potential New Paradigm, and a Challenge," May's PUF; "Need for New Regulatory/Business Models," August's PUF; "Legislative and Consumer Advocate Challenges," September's PUF
Bill Spence, interviewed, April's PUF
Michael Strong and Mark Pruitt, "Aggregation 2.0: Evolution of Customer Engagement with Retail Choice?" May's PUF
Branko Terzic, "What Ernie Knew!" September's PUF; "Innovation and Capital Recovery," November's PUF; "Grand Theft with Capital Recovery," December's PUF
Clint Vince, interviewed, December's PUF
Michael Volker, "Investor-Owned and Public Power Can Learn from Co-ops," September's PUF
Aliza Wasserman and Sam Cramer, "States Want to Know About Utility Biz Models," June's PUF; "Governors' Advisors' Energy Policy Institute," September's PUF
Austin Whitman, "The New Standard Offer," November's PUF
Greg Wikler, "Intersection of DER, Energy Efficiency, DR," October's PUF
Lee Williams, "Nuclear Life Extension," January's PUF
Mark Williams and Eric Korman, "FERC Revises Market-Based Rate Procedures," March's PUF
Lisa Wood, Ross Hemphill, John Howat, Ralph Cavanagh and Severin Borenstein, "Rethinking Rate Design," November's PUF
Roger Woodworth, "In Search of Strategic Leaders," September's PUF; "A Mindset to Mimic," October's PUF; "Overcoming Fear of Fire," November's PUF, "Watch Your Language," December's PUF
Alex Zakupowsky, "Other Side of the Story on Tax Implications of NEM Successor Policies," June's PUF
Audrey Zibelman, interviewed, December's PUF