Getting Ready for Competition in Japan


Lessons from Abroad

Fortnightly Magazine - October 2016
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Japan has a long history of direct foreign investment across a wide range of industries and sectors globally, especially natural resources and industrial goods.

The strategies underpinning those investments are many and varied. They include securing supplies of input materials, and decreasing the cost of labour and transportation to make goods more competitive. They also include gaining access to key technologies for potential redeployment in the home market.

There is yet another strategy underpinning Japanese direct foreign investment in overseas energy-sector assets. This includes gaining experience in restructured energy markets globally so as to thrive in the newly liberalized power market back home in Japan.

This article explores this phenomenon in the context of Japanese experience investing in the energy sector of the U.S., Mexico, the U.K., and Australia.

U.S. Experience

1. Background

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