You Say You Want a REVolution


It’s difficult to assess the REV promise because it’s difficult to figure out what REV is really about

Fortnightly Magazine - February 2016
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Let's be honest. Does anyone know what New York's REV ("Reforming the Energy Vision") really is? Other than the most hyped regulatory initiative since California restructuring some 20 years ago?

Ken Munson of Sunverge Energy, writing in Fortnightly's Spark, says it will "... help meet threats posed by aging infrastructure, more frequent extreme weather events, greenhouse-gas-driven climate change, and growing dangers to our physical and digital security." What, not world peace?

And this: "NY REV promises to make energy a win-win - for the first time in history." So fire, steam power, the internal combustion engine, electricity itself - were these mere single "wins" in energy? Whoa!

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