Here are the answers to the crossword puzzle in the June 2016 issue:
2. Gray Californian: davis
6. Peter of New York: bradford
10. Governator: schwarzenegger
13. Disgraced Texan: lay
14. Oops. Last two in alphabet: yz
18. Disgraced with 13 Across: skilling
19. Cato economist: niskanen
20. Pete of California: wilson
22. Edison institute vet: kuhn
23. Building nuclear: fanning
24. Harvard prof's markets: hogan
27. New England, then Midwest: rowe
29. MIT antitrust economist: schmalensee
31. American power: akins
32. California CEO: craver
33. Moonbeam: brown
35. FERC chairwoman: moler
36. Works with 22 Across: owens
1. Electricity quant: tabors
3. Book with 1 Down: schweppe
4. POTUS: obama
5. NRDC guy: cavanaugh
7. CPP flexible: mccarthy
8. Fracking CEO: mcclendon
9. Southern man: franklin
11. Last FERC chair: wellinghoff
12. NARUC prez and FERC: brownell
13. Mr. efficiency: lovins
15. REV chairwoman: zibelman
16. Fracking engineer: mitchell
17. PJM guy: boston
21. ISO-New England guy: vanwelie
22. Doctor deregulation: kahn
25. De-regulated California: fessler
26. De-regulated New York: pataki
27. Duke Jim: rogers
28. Influential law prof: pierce
30. PJM father: harris
32. REV Governor: cuomo
34. FERC chair for Bush: wood
35. Cars, rockets and solar: musk
Each month's issue of Public Utilities Fortnightly has a crossword puzzle. June's puzzle was called Powerful Names. July's puzzle will be State PUCs. Last month's puzzle was Utilities Name Game.
Steve Mitnick, Editor-in-Chief, Public Utilities Fortnightly
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