People (August 2014)

Fortnightly Magazine - August 2014

New Opportunities: Theodore F. Craver, Jr., chairman, president and CEO of Edison International, was elected chairman of the Edison Electric Institute (EEI). Also elected were three vice chairmen: Nicholas K. Akins, chairman, president and CEO of American Electric Power (AEP); Thomas A. Fanning, chairman, president and CEO of Southern Company; and Christopher M. Crane, president and CEO of Exelon.

Theodore F. Craver, Jr.

Fortis made the following executive v.p. appointments: Karl Smith, president and CEO, FortisAlberta, was named executive v.p., CFO, Fortis. John Walker, president and CEO, FortisBC, was named executive v.p., Western Canadian Operations, Fortis; and Earl Ludlow, president and CEO, Newfoundland Power, was named executive v.p., Eastern Canadian and Caribbean Operations, Fortis.

Jersey Central Power & Light (JCP&L) named Raemon Mallin as manager of emergency preparedness. Mallin joined JCP&L in 2003, working in project planning and contractor management.

WESCO - Helping Public Power Utilities Build the Power Grid of the Future

Associations: Senate lawmakers confirmed all three of President Obama's nominees for the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. The Senate approved senior Treasury Department official Timothy Massad to head the five-member agency, and brokerage executive J. Christopher Giancarlo for an open Republican seat at the CFTC. The Senate also confirmed securities lawyer Sharon Bowen to fill a vacant Democratic slot.

The Large Public Power Council selected former electric utility executive John Di Stasio to be the organization's new president. Di Stasio is the retired general manager and CEO of the Sacramento Municipal Utility District in California.

Thomas A. Fanning

Tom Eckman, the Council's manager of conservation resources since 1992, was named acting director of the Council's Power Planning Division. Eckman replaces Charlie Black, who recently left the Council. Charlie Grist, senior analyst in the power planning division, replaces Eckman as manager of conservation resources.

Hogan Lovells named Steven L. Miller, former senior v.p., general counsel and secretary of Constellation Energy Nuclear, as of counsel.

ISO New England made key changes to its wholesale market management positions. Robert Ethier, PhD, currently the v.p. of market development was named v.p. of market operations. Mark Karl, senior director of resource adequacy was promoted to v.p. of market development.

William M. Carroll, general manager of the Greeneville Light and Power System in Tennessee, received APPA's Alex Radin Distinguished Service Award.

Nicholas K. Akins

The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) named Jim Spiers v.p. of technology, engineering and economic analysis. Spiers currently serves as senior v.p. of business strategy/chief technology officer for Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association.

Board of Directors: Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) named Nat Kreamer, current president and CEO of Clean Power Finance, as chairman of the SEIA board. Tom Starrs, v.p. of market strategy and policy for SunPower, will serve as vice chairman.

WESCO - Helping Public Power Utilities Build the Power Grid of the Future

Bechtel's nuclear business line president, Greg Ashley, was elected to the Nuclear Energy Institute's board of directors and executive committee.

Paula DiFonzo, CEO of New Braunfels Utilities (NBU), was installed as chair of the American Public Power Association (Public Power) board of directors. DiFonzo has been with New Braunfels Utilities since 1981 and was named CEO in June 2001.

NMPP Energy executive director Gary Stauffer was elected to serve as chair-elect of the American Public Power Association's board of directors for 2012-13.

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